Online Bible College
Join 60,000+ students across the world who have had their lives transformed.

Our Digital Courses
It’s our mission to provide life-changing biblical studies for anyone at no cost. We offer over 600 lessons to expand your faith.
Biblical studies course
14 syllabus topics | 200 lessons
Develop a deeper relationship with God by understanding the Bible and the Gospel
Practical ministry course
11 syllabus topics | 218 lessons
Tools for ministering the Word of God
Developing a devotional lifestyle
200 lessons
Optional courses – not just academic but to provide revelation
Discovering Jesus
164 lessons
Optional courses – not just academic but to provide revelation
OBC has served over 60,000 students since 1998
Our ministry mission
At OBC, we firmly believe that authentic ministry springs from the depths
of one’s personal encounter with God. Our foundational conviction is that
true transformation occurs from the inside out.
Our curriculum is designed to immerse students in the profound teachings of
God’s Word, fostering not only academic excellence but also a revelatory
understanding. We aspire to see the Word of God manifest in your life,
igniting significant personal growth and equipping you to impact others.
Since our establishment in 1998, OBC has been dedicated to serving
students, providing a platform for transformative learning experiences
rooted in faith, the gospel, and fundamental Christ-centered doctrines. Our
courses have been translated into multiple languages, playing a pivotal
role in churches, campuses, and ministries globally
Special Characteristics
These are the special characteristics which flavour the lesson material and ministry approach of the Online Bible College:
The Centrality of the Gospel
We believe that the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ must be central to all church teaching and activity. The Gospel is a “whole Gospel for the whole Christian life.”
The Gifts of the Spirit
We believe in the empowering of the Holy Spirit for service and the present day operation of the gifts of the Spirit, as described in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11.
The Ministry of Every Believer
We believe that every believer, regardless of race, gender or educational status, is called by God to participate in His glorious purpose. We are all “full time” in the ministry, even if we have a secular vocation, and to this end, each believer has a unique mix of ministry gifts, as determined by the Holy Spirit.
The Unity of the Body of Christ
We believe in the indivisible unity of the Body of Christ, established solely upon the foundation of the Gospel of Christ. We believe that God is bringing His Body into a practical expression of unity, as described in John 17:20- 23 and Ephesians 4:13