Online Bible College
How do I start?
The Online Bible College is an internet college. Click here to register. Fill in the registration form that comes up on your screen, making sure that your password is at least 8 characters long. Click “Register” and you will be enrolled as a student of the Online Bible College and your student E-Learning page will be open. Click on the first course and the first study which will then open for you to begin your studies.
If you do not have Adobe PDF, the program the studies are in, click on the link “Get Adobe Reader” at the left hand column of your E-Learning page and download the program (this is free).
From then on, to enter your studies each time, click on the Student Login in the menu on OBC’s home page. The page will come up for you to fill in the user name and password you chose when you registered, then click “Sign In” and you are back again into your student E-Learning page.
When can I begin?
You can begin straight away. The Online Bible College is a fully internet college. There are no “semesters”. You can begin immediately and study at your own pace.
How long does the course take?
OBC’s policy is that each student can study at their own pace so how long the Course takes is dependent on the student him/herself. When studied every day, OBC’s “Biblical Study Course” combined with the optional morning studies “Developing a Devotional Lifestyle”, is designed to take one year. The additional studies, “The Practical Ministry Course” and “Discovering Jesus” combined, should take approximately one year also.
Does it matter which Bible version I read?
You may use whatever Bible version you desire. Any scriptures written in full in the OBC studies are mainly in the NIV.
Can I take a break from my studies?
Yes. The OBC course is flexible and can be adjusted according to your timetable and special needs. If you need to take a break from your studies for a few days, a few weeks or even a few months, you can do so.
What version of the Bible does OBC use in its lessons?
In most OBC lessons, we use the New International Version. But we want you to continue to use your own familiar version of the Bible in your studies. There is no need to switch versions in order to study at OBC. At times, your lessons will also use other Bible versions, in order to bring out a different aspect of the original Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic.
What's required as far as material…paper etc?
You can study directly online or, if you prefer, you can print out your studies. All the studies are in PDF.
Any hidden fees or anything after enrolment?
There are no hidden fees and nothing after enrolment.
Could I do the course in between semesters at my other college?
It is entirely your own decision when you study the course. OBC’s policy is that every student may study at their own pace so there is no time restriction for completing the course.
OBC Awards
When you pass a mini-course you will be awarded a Certificate of Achievement. When you have completed the full Biblical Studies Course you will receive a Certificate in Biblical Studies. When you complete the Biblical Studies Course plus the Practical Ministry Course you will be awarded a Diploma in Biblical Studies. The Certificates are not sent by mail but all your Certificates are available to print from the Awards Room at the top of your student E-Learning page.
No Certificates are awarded for the “Developing a Devotional Lifestyle” as it is an optional study provided for the student’s personal daily walk with the Lord.
What is the certificate worth? What can I do with it?
The Diploma in Biblical Studies proves you are a graduate of the Online Bible College and can be used, when necessary, as an opening for ministry. However, the greatest value of studying with OBC are the studies themselves. OBC concentrates on the revelation of the Word to the heart and life of the student. We receive testimony after testimony of lives and ministries transformed by the Word of God.
Can I earn a degree at the Online Bible College?
The Online Bible College does not offer degrees. We offer only certificates and a diploma. It’s important to bear in mind that OBC is not a higher learning institute. It is, rather, a practical training institute, and therefore focuses more on practical issues than academics. This is reflected both in OBC’s course curricula and in its awards.
Printing Certificates
OBC’s IT Team have given the attached instructions for printing Awards. Do not download but print the Certificate directly from your Awards Room. Before printing, go to FILE…choose PRINT… Click on PROPERTIES…Media Type (choose paper quality)…Print Quality (choose high)…Color Intensity (auto) Then go to PAGE SETUP…Paper size (choose A4)…Orientation (choose Landscape)…Page Layout (choose Fit to Page Printing).
Could I do the course in between semesters at my other college?
It is entirely your own decision when you study the course. OBC’s policy is that every student may study at their own pace so there is no time restriction for completing the course.
Any hidden fees or anything after enrolment?
There are no hidden fees and nothing after enrolment.
What is OBC's denominational affiliation?
The Online Bible College is an interdenominational ministry. That means that it is not affiliated with any one denomination or church group, but works across the broad spectrum of the Body of Christ.
OBC Standards
Online Bible College is recognised by International Approval and Registration Centre (IARC) for its excellent standard in tertiary education.
Does OBC ordain pastors?
The Online Bible College itself doesn’t ordain ministers. This is usually the reserve of churches or denominational groups. Please check with your local church leadership for their ordination requirements.
How do I become credentialed as a pastor?
If you want to become credentialed as a pastor, you need to call the head office of your denomination or church group. Ask them for a list of their requirements. Different church groups have different academic requirements, so it’s important to ask early. However, courses taken at the Online Bible College – such as the Biblical Studies Course and the Practical Ministry Course – are an excellent foundation for pastoral training. OBC also has a special course for pastoral ministries called “The School of the Shepherds”.
If I earn an OBC certificate or diploma, does that mean I am credentialed as a pastor?
Although the OBC courses are an excellent foundation for pastoral training, ministry credentials are usually provided by churches and denominations.
How am I tested?
After you finish each lesson, there is an online test which you will see at the top right hand corner of your student E-Learning page. After submitting and passing your test, the next lesson will automatically open. Once a test is completed and passed it cannot be taken again. However, you can review your test and check any answer that was incorrect.
Do I have assignments to do?
At the completion of the Biblical Studies Course an essay of approximately 1,000 words in length is required, expressing from your heart the affect the Word of God in your life. An essay of approximately 1,000 words is also required at the completion of the Practical Ministry Course, describing how you have used the studies.
We recommend that you do the Life Assignments found in some of the lessons and the “Making Truth Mine” in the Practical Ministry Course. This is for your own growth, ministry aid and future reference.
Can I use my Bible when taking tests?
Yes, you may. All OBC tests are “open book” tests, which means that you are permitted to open your Bible and look up scripture references while you are taking your test.
Can I read back over my lessons when taking tests?
Yes, you may. All OBC tests are “open book” tests. In fact we encourage you to read your lesson again while taking your test. Why? Because the test is not just about testing your knowledge, but also about reinforcing what you are learning. There is no better way to do this than by reviewing your lesson while answering the test questions.
IT Problems
For all IT problems OBC’s IT Team is there to help. Please contact them directly at [email protected]
Why can't I open my lesson?
If you cannot open an Acrobat version of your lesson, this may be due to one of a number of reasons:
- The lesson file may have been corrupted during download — Go back to your Download Page and try downloading your lesson again.
- You can also try saving the lesson to your hard drive and opening it from there.
- Your version of Acrobat Reader may be too old — This is indicated if you receive a message such as “C% Font Error” or similar. If you do not have Acrobat Reader 5.0 or above installed, you will need to go to to install the latest version of Acrobat Reader.
- Your installation of Acrobat Reader may be corrupted — If all else fails, uninstall your current version of Acrobat Reader, and then go to to re-install Acrobat Reader.
How can I give to OBC?
Your financial support of OBC is greatly appreciated. Even though we offer all courses free of charge, we look to the Lord every day for His financial provision. In order to give a donation (either a one-time gift or a regular gift) to help further the ministry of OBC, please click here.